Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Busy Busy Busy.. Tis The Season!

ok! So I have been so busy! This year has proven a challenge, but I am up for it! Tutus and pictures.. Thank you to all my wonderful customers as I find myself in photography, and find myself swamped in tutus!

I recently did a photo session for a friend of mine... Everyting went wrong.. My flash wasn't flashing, my lights were flashing out of control (which are only supposed to flash when my camera flash goes off), it was a nightmare.. This part is usally a cake walk! There were 3 families to shoot and a newborn which usually take over an hour in itself to shoot. OIY! I got home and was about to cry when I discovered my camera was on manual focus.. THUS the problem... my first session on manual... AND I got some great shots! Though most were dark and un usable... there are some great ones!
Haley & Carly:

and miss Fiona...
More to come!

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